Tag: The Way

Costly Grace

Listen to this service here Based on 1 Kings 19:15-21 and Luke 9:51-62 General Council of the United Church is going on. One of the many things we’re talking about is membership. What does it mean to be a member of a church? Does it mean being on the church’s historic role of names? If … Continue reading Costly Grace

Bless Your Heart

Watch or listen to this service here. Luke 6:17-26 Jeremiah 17:5-10 Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels.com There's nothing innately, automatically, salvific about poverty. We might admire the adversity someone has over come. We might state that hard times make people with character and strength. We might think people are poor because of their … Continue reading Bless Your Heart

The Way – St. Michael’s United Church of Christ, Baltimore Ohio 2-28-2021

Listen or watch this service by clicking here. Feb 28th 2021ANNOUNCEMENTS- Today is my last sermon for St. Michael’s. For my first, I was nauseous and shaking. My hands always get cold when I preach. I remember Rev. Diane Berger telling me about her first sermon at St. Michael’s. She was the first woman preacher, … Continue reading The Way – St. Michael’s United Church of Christ, Baltimore Ohio 2-28-2021

Mother’s Day 2020

Younger saints here --> "Pup and bear" Younger saint's reflection After listening to Pup and Bear, what do you notice? Who is not your mother, but still cuddles you and keeps you safe? You may not be a mother, but can you still love and protect another too? Please pray with me: Mothering God, thank … Continue reading Mother’s Day 2020