Tag: statistics

Give Thanks!

A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – Thanksgiving – Oct. 9, 2022 – Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Luke 17:11 Listen and/or watch this service here. I’ve always wondered where the other 9 lepers get off to. They don’t return to thank God and Jesus. Do they go home to their families? Go and strip off their old … Continue reading Give Thanks!

Pentecost 2021 – Rejoice: We Midwife a New Way of Being Church!

Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno for LCPC – May 23, 2021 - Pentecost 2021 – Acts 2: 1-21, Romans 8: 22-27 “All Creation Sings” The CBC, March 10th, 2019 – a year before Covid-19 hit – published this headline: “From sacred to secular: Canada set to lose 9,000 churches, warns national heritage group” The author, … Continue reading Pentecost 2021 – Rejoice: We Midwife a New Way of Being Church!