Tag: senses

Sermon: How Do We Know God Is With Us?

Scripture: Exodus 33:12-23; 24:5-9 Watch or listen to this service here Oh the irony! Last week we read how the ancient people wanted a visual representation of God to go before them. They made the golden calf and we saw how well that went over. The calf is now broken and the gold scattered. The … Continue reading Sermon: How Do We Know God Is With Us?

Messy Church – Snow Day!

Listen or watch this service here Directions: It is Messy Church Sunday! Let's have a snow day. Please take a bowl outside and gather a bowl of snow - any size of a bowl. Any amount of snow. Bring it in at this time. We're going to have a pretty song called The Skaters Waltz … Continue reading Messy Church – Snow Day!

Indifferent Senses

Listen / watch this service here The child Samuel January 17th, 2021 ANNOUNCEMENTS - Please read our prayer requests on our private page online, or telephone me. I’ll gladly share. - We’re still red, so still online. But take heart! Soon, those 80 and older will be able to get the vaccine. Soon, and ever … Continue reading Indifferent Senses