Tag: Second Coming

We Remember Our Past to Dream A Better Tomorrow – Remembrance Day

Amos 5:18-24Matthew 25:1-13 Today Jesus tells a story of 10 bridesmaids ready to greet the groom and escort him into the wedding. All ten go prepared with oil and lamps in case the groom takes awhile and comes after dark. And he does take a long, long time. So long, all 10 go to sleep. … Continue reading We Remember Our Past to Dream A Better Tomorrow – Remembrance Day

Sermon: Are You Ready?

Listen or watch this service here and part two Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 and John 17:1-11 There once was a farmer named William Miller who lived in upstate New York in the early to mid 1800s. Miller believed all of scripture is necessary and interprets itself. With impressive methodology, intense, extensive and detailed study, he became … Continue reading Sermon: Are You Ready?

Loving God; Vengeful God – St. Michael’s UCC Baltimore Ohio November 15th 2020

Listen to this sermon here Jump to the sermon text November 15th, 2020ANNOUNCEMENTS Fairfield County continues to be red for COVID-19. Therefore, our services will be physically distant as a way to lovingly protect one another’s health.The community thanksgiving service will be online. Please let Rev. Bruno know if you would like a DvD of … Continue reading Loving God; Vengeful God – St. Michael’s UCC Baltimore Ohio November 15th 2020