Tag: Right Relations

Land Acknowledgement – Sacred Stories

We gather this morning on land in Little Current. Before we spoke English on this land, we spoke French and called here Le Petit Courant. Before we spoke French here, we spoke Ojibwe, also known as Anishinaabemowin, and called here Waebijewung. Many names. Many peoples. Many generations. One place. In honour of all who have … Continue reading Land Acknowledgement – Sacred Stories

Sermon: A Dim Light Not Quinched

Isaiah 42:1-9; Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism of the Lord SundayWatch or listen to this service here. (Loading soon) Isaiah's reading takes place in a heavenly court - the wronged party is the Judah kingdom. From Abraham to Moses to now these people have been following God. They built cities, and a temple dedicated to God. … Continue reading Sermon: A Dim Light Not Quinched

Prayer for King Charles III

King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God our God,we pray today for King Charles III:Let him set the tempo for all the lands he leads.Let that rhythm be one of peace, of mercy, of justice, and of healing.Let him continue the work of his mother to move from colonialism to valuing each peoples as equals,fellow … Continue reading Prayer for King Charles III

Messy Church – Snow Day!

Listen or watch this service here Directions: It is Messy Church Sunday! Let's have a snow day. Please take a bowl outside and gather a bowl of snow - any size of a bowl. Any amount of snow. Bring it in at this time. We're going to have a pretty song called The Skaters Waltz … Continue reading Messy Church – Snow Day!