Tag: Psalm 118

Haweater Weekend 2021

Watch and sing along to this service here Welcome! This abbreviated service is to accommodate COVID-19 safety precautions. As we are outside, and distanced, you are welcome to sing. Masks are optional but encouraged. Please maintain a distance of 2 meters / 6 feet from other households. If you feel inclined to give financially to … Continue reading Haweater Weekend 2021

Life Up Your Palms! Palm Sunday

Originally aired on Facebook Live. A branch growing out of a stump. Symbols are likeā€¦ sticky tape. Lent rollers. They pick up meanings the more they roll around. Pretend my lent roller is Jesus. In our reading today, Jesus rolls up to Jerusalem.That's the first symbol - Jerusalem - the place where Heaven and Earth … Continue reading Life Up Your Palms! Palm Sunday