Tag: Nicene Creed

Trinity Means No One Stands Alone

Listen to this service here Based on Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 and John 16:12-15 There is a game my friends and I occasionally play called 'Describe your job poorly.' So... one friend says, 'I am paid to lie to people.' That'd be the fiction author. Another says, 'I bring a knife to a gun fight.' That … Continue reading Trinity Means No One Stands Alone

How can these things be? Trinity Sunday

SERMON- Rev. Whitney Bruno- Trinity Sunday - May 30,2021 – Isaiah 6: 1-8, Rom. 3: 1-17 “How can these things be?” Watch or listen to this service and sermon here. We sing it "God in Three Persons" and some have us have confessed it in the Apostles or Nicene Creed – a trinity. When our … Continue reading How can these things be? Trinity Sunday