Tag: nature

Devotion: Earth Day Ask the Animals

Job 12:7-13 7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,    the birds of the air, and they will tell you;8 ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you,    and the fish of the sea will declare to you.9 Who among all these does not know    that the hand of the Most Powerful has done this?10 In God’s hand is the … Continue reading Devotion: Earth Day Ask the Animals

Lighting the Christ Candle – Like The Milkyway

Like the Milkyway across the night sky; like the flash of salmon scales in running water; like the white on a flying eagle; like the glow of lightning bugs hiding among the edges of trees - God has covered the world with startling signs of love and care. We light this candle as one more … Continue reading Lighting the Christ Candle – Like The Milkyway

A Simple Thank You Prayer

Thank you, thank, thank you, God.Thank you for the fall.Thank you for each other.Thank you for this life.Thank you for our families and friends.Thank you for our animal and plant companions.Thank you for the stars, the moon, and the sky.Thank you for the sun, the wind, and the rain.Thank you for the snow, for gravity, … Continue reading A Simple Thank You Prayer

Christ Candle Lighting: Creation & Light

As the sun warms the earth, feeds the trees and grass, fuels the weather, and upon it we track time as we spin around it: so too do we circle around God. So, too, are we warmed by God's love. So, too, we find nourishment in Word in Christ's community, and in the breaking of … Continue reading Christ Candle Lighting: Creation & Light

Offertory Prayer: Creation

Generous God, thank you for the gifts of the world: for all of nature. Thank you for the gift of the cosmos: the night sky, and the life-supporting sun. Thank you for the gifts we share today: our time, our resources, our prayers. Let all of us receive and give, and let all of creation … Continue reading Offertory Prayer: Creation

The Shrewdness of the Current Generation

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 and Luke 16:1-13 Listen or watch this service here on Facebook or on our webpage. Our Bible Study group has been reading a book called ‘The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.’ Today’s story from this controversial rabbi is… definitely enigmatic. There is so much we don’t know about this parable! … Continue reading The Shrewdness of the Current Generation

Trinity Offertory

Invitation to the Offering No one stands alone. We are made for community. Our God is known to us as community. For community with other humans, with other creatures, with rocks and soil, water, and air, let us dedicate our gifts and receive others' gifts. Offertory Prayer God, known to us as a circle, a triangle, … Continue reading Trinity Offertory