Tag: mystic

Sacred in the Daily

A REFLECTION – Rev. Whitney Bruno –  – June 6, 2021 – Pent 2 – Communion – 2 Cor. 4:13 – 5:1, Mark 3: 20-35 “Sacred in the Daily” When I approach Communion, I see it as a moment we transcend this moment, this place. I see it as when we step back in time … Continue reading Sacred in the Daily

Mother’s Day 2020

Younger saints here --> "Pup and bear" Younger saint's reflection After listening to Pup and Bear, what do you notice? Who is not your mother, but still cuddles you and keeps you safe? You may not be a mother, but can you still love and protect another too? Please pray with me: Mothering God, thank … Continue reading Mother’s Day 2020