Tag: mask

Love over liberty – Jan 31st 2021

Listen to this service here. ANNOUCEMENTS It is People in Need Sunday. The PIN Fund helps out when the church has requests for assistance that no one plans for. Who plans to run out of gas, run out of groceries, or an emergency medical bill? This is how we help those in our church and … Continue reading Love over liberty – Jan 31st 2021

1 Covidians 12:1-11 Concerning the Wearing of Masks

1 Covidians 12:1-11 Now concerning the wearing of masks, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that in the time before Covid, we were enticed and led astray thinking that we were not responsible for one another's health. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in … Continue reading 1 Covidians 12:1-11 Concerning the Wearing of Masks

Mother’s Day 2020

Younger saints here --> "Pup and bear" Younger saint's reflection After listening to Pup and Bear, what do you notice? Who is not your mother, but still cuddles you and keeps you safe? You may not be a mother, but can you still love and protect another too? Please pray with me: Mothering God, thank … Continue reading Mother’s Day 2020

Protect One Another

Kid's chat here https://youtu.be/C3LAp519Yqc Sermon here https://youtu.be/7CoTSnak79A May 3rd 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS We will be having communion today Please continue to tithe! Food pantry has greater need than ever and greater donations than ever. Thank you! Keep it up! Be here next week for service. PRAYER REMINDER In respect of privacy, we’ll continue to have intercession … Continue reading Protect One Another