Tag: Luke 9:51-62

Costly Grace

Listen to this service here Based on 1 Kings 19:15-21 and Luke 9:51-62 General Council of the United Church is going on. One of the many things we’re talking about is membership. What does it mean to be a member of a church? Does it mean being on the church’s historic role of names? If … Continue reading Costly Grace

Christ Light – Carrying Out – Foxes Have Holes

Foxes have holes, birds have nests, and you have the love light of all creation.  - Extinguish the candle Go with the light of Christ burning bright within you. The Word is a lamp to your feet, a comfort in the dark, and a safe refuge when it feels there is no place to rest your … Continue reading Christ Light – Carrying Out – Foxes Have Holes

Offertory: Cost of Discipleship

Invitation to the Offering It is costly to follow Jesus. It takes buy in. The buy in is your time, your prayers, your resources, your privilege, your way of living. To follow Jesus is to reorient your life. At this time, let us dedicate what we have to follow Christ's way. Offertory Prayer Ever generous, … Continue reading Offertory: Cost of Discipleship