Tag: Little Current United Church Charge

Called to Bravery

Listen or watch this service here. Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23 We heard two versions of the arrival of the Holy Spirit today. In Acts the Spirit comes and reverses the curse of Babel. Babel drove a language wedge between people. The blessing of the Spirit brings people back together with language. People from … Continue reading Called to Bravery

Ecumenicalism is like God’s Bouquet

See this video here WHO: I am Rev. Whitney Bruno, of Little Current and Sheguiandah United Church of Canada congregations who are on Treaty 94 of the Mnidoo Mnising peoples’ lands.I am Rev. Jaimie Greenwood, of Spring Bay Pentecostal. WHAT: We are introducing these series of ecumenical videos made by Manitoulin island churches. WHEN: There … Continue reading Ecumenicalism is like God’s Bouquet

Haweater Weekend 2021

Watch and sing along to this service here Welcome! This abbreviated service is to accommodate COVID-19 safety precautions. As we are outside, and distanced, you are welcome to sing. Masks are optional but encouraged. Please maintain a distance of 2 meters / 6 feet from other households. If you feel inclined to give financially to … Continue reading Haweater Weekend 2021

Pentecost 2021 – Rejoice: We Midwife a New Way of Being Church!

Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno for LCPC – May 23, 2021 - Pentecost 2021 – Acts 2: 1-21, Romans 8: 22-27 “All Creation Sings” The CBC, March 10th, 2019 – a year before Covid-19 hit – published this headline: “From sacred to secular: Canada set to lose 9,000 churches, warns national heritage group” The author, … Continue reading Pentecost 2021 – Rejoice: We Midwife a New Way of Being Church!

You Are Witnesses

View this sermon here. You Are Witnesses of These Things I have come at this week's sermon several times. Each time, a new angle. Each time, not happy. Each time, knowing what I feel the Spirit urging me to say and unable to put it into words. And finally, as is always, the answer is… … Continue reading You Are Witnesses