Tag: holy mystery

Sermon: Perichoresis: God is Dance

A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – May 26, 2024 – LCUCPC -  Psalm 29, John 3: 1-17  “ Perichoresis: God is Dance” Travel with me! It is 1550. Poland, Lithuanian, or Transylvania. Here we are in a tavern. Luca over there in the corner is a new arrival from Italy. He is three drinks … Continue reading Sermon: Perichoresis: God is Dance

Benediction: Holy Mysteries

Let us go out! Let us proclaim the mysteries we have been part of today! From cocoons come butterflies; from bulbs come flowers; from tombs come rebirth; from waters come new life; from God comes endless new, good, surprises! Carry the light of Christ with you and let your light shine as a beacon of … Continue reading Benediction: Holy Mysteries