Tag: guide

Christ Candle: Lamp and Twinkle

God is our lamp, our flashlight, our candle, our guide. We light this candle to remind us of this truth. - Light the candle God is our Source, our Beginning, our Fire, our Love. Carrying out the Light of Christ and BenedictionWe carry the light of Christ wherever we go. The light is within. So … Continue reading Christ Candle: Lamp and Twinkle

The Longest Night : A Blue Christmas Service for St. Michael’s 2020

Watch this service here. Blue Christmas 2020 This service was developed by Heather Hill. All Scripture comes from the NRSV. She has given permission for others to use it. Readapted by Whitney Bruno for St. Michael’s, 2020. The service begins in silence so all may participate in a time of reflection: May God help each … Continue reading The Longest Night : A Blue Christmas Service for St. Michael’s 2020