Tag: God With Us

Poor Abram

I choose to believe in this time, just as in Julian's time, just as in Jesus' time, just as in Abram’s time: God still is present, gathering us up, and loving us.

A House of God

A SERMON:  Rev. Whitney Bruno – for LCUCPC – July 18, 2021 – 2 Samuel 7: 1-14a,  Mark 6: 30-34 & 53-56 Listen and watch this service here. “The House of God” If you recall from last week, David has brought the Ark of the Covenant into his city. He danced and celebrated and made … Continue reading A House of God

Advent 4: Love! 2020

Advent 4, 2020, December 20th 2020Listen to this sermon here.ANNOUNCEMENTS- Looking forward to Christmas!- Blue Christmas – I don’t know about you, but this year I really need a Blue Christmas service. So watch for this devotional between Advent Four and Christmas Eve.- We will have a Christmas Eve Candle-lighting Service live on Facebook at … Continue reading Advent 4: Love! 2020