Tag: environment

Water is Life – Truth and Reconciliation Day

Exodus 17: 1-7 & Matthew 21: 23-32 Last week we heard about the ancient Hebrews learning a new relationship with food. Today, we heard about their relationship with water. Water is life. Our bodies are 50-60% water by weight. We're pretty much water balloons over some bones. Water cushions our joints. Water allows our brains … Continue reading Water is Life – Truth and Reconciliation Day

Lighting the Christ Candle – Like The Milkyway

Like the Milkyway across the night sky; like the flash of salmon scales in running water; like the white on a flying eagle; like the glow of lightning bugs hiding among the edges of trees - God has covered the world with startling signs of love and care. We light this candle as one more … Continue reading Lighting the Christ Candle – Like The Milkyway

Service: Orange Shirt Day & Creation

This service is provided in full for those working on their own Orange Shirt Day, Truth and Reconciliation Day services. Please be sure to note I did not write this all. The sources I used are cited below. VU refers to the hymnal Voices United. MV refers to the hymnal More Voices. Listen or watch … Continue reading Service: Orange Shirt Day & Creation

Sermon: Against Common Wisdom

Watch this service on Facebook or on our website Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 and Luke 15:1-10 Let me set the scene for our gospel reading: Jesus is walking, preaching, traveling village to village and wearing holes in his sandals. Tax collectors and sinners – also known as, people working with the enemy and people working against … Continue reading Sermon: Against Common Wisdom

Christ Candle Lighting: Creation & Light

As the sun warms the earth, feeds the trees and grass, fuels the weather, and upon it we track time as we spin around it: so too do we circle around God. So, too, are we warmed by God's love. So, too, we find nourishment in Word in Christ's community, and in the breaking of … Continue reading Christ Candle Lighting: Creation & Light