Tag: emotion

Do Not Fear the Grief

Scripture: Isaiah 65: 17-25 and Luke 21:5-19 Listen to this service here A pastor once shared with me that she didn't want to start crying and feeling her grief because she felt like she would drown under the grief. She'd never come back. So she bottled it up, more and more shoved into her heart, … Continue reading Do Not Fear the Grief

Rainbows of Hope – Lent 1 – Feb 21st 2021

Feb 21st, 2021 Hear and/or see this service with by clicking here. ANNOUNCEMENTS- Next Sunday is my last Sunday with St. Michaels. I am a basket case of emotions. Happy and sad. Mourning and looking forward. Everything jumbled. And so in love with our community. CENTERING So for our centering today, we’re going to use … Continue reading Rainbows of Hope – Lent 1 – Feb 21st 2021