Tag: drag show

Not Your Typical Romance Story

Not Your Typical Romance Story

Scripture: John 4: 5-42 Listen or watch this service here A trope is a reoccurring theme, situation, or person in stories. It sets our expectations of what’s going to happen. Consider Hallmark Christmas Movies – the first trope is a successful woman from the city. She’s got class. She’s got sass. She doesn’t have Mr. … Continue reading Not Your Typical Romance Story

Sermon – I am a salty Christian

A Sermon by Rev. Whitney Bruno – Feb. 5, 2023 – for LCUCPC – Isaiah 58: 1-12; Matthew 5: 13-20 “I Am A Salty Christian” Listen or watch this service here I am all on board with Jesus today – yeah! I like being called tasty salt. Yeah! I like being called light and wanted … Continue reading Sermon – I am a salty Christian