Tag: creator

Lighting the Christ Candle – Like The Milkyway

Like the Milkyway across the night sky; like the flash of salmon scales in running water; like the white on a flying eagle; like the glow of lightning bugs hiding among the edges of trees - God has covered the world with startling signs of love and care. We light this candle as one more … Continue reading Lighting the Christ Candle – Like The Milkyway

Prayers of the People – The Marvel of Light

In the beginning, Creator, you spoke and brought forth light. Suns are flung across the universe. Galaxies spiral with millions of stars. We swirl on our own little branch of our galaxy dancing around and around our star, our sun. What a strange marvel is this light you have created. What a strange marvel are … Continue reading Prayers of the People – The Marvel of Light

Offertory Prayer: Creation

Generous God, thank you for the gifts of the world: for all of nature. Thank you for the gift of the cosmos: the night sky, and the life-supporting sun. Thank you for the gifts we share today: our time, our resources, our prayers. Let all of us receive and give, and let all of creation … Continue reading Offertory Prayer: Creation

Lighting of Candle / Blessing of Pets

We welcome here the light of Christ - known in voices human and nonhuman.                                    Lighting the candle We recall Christ came into the world not just for humans, but for all creation.______________ May God, who created the animals of this earth, continue to protect and sustain us all, now and forever.                                   -Extinguish candleWe go out, … Continue reading Lighting of Candle / Blessing of Pets

Call to Worship: Blessing of Animals

Call to Worship:  Come! Come four legged friends, come feathered friends, come scaly friends.Come and offer praise for the Creator!Come! Wiggly friends, wispy friends, eight-legged friends.Come and offer thanksgiving to the Creator!Come! Hairy friends, hooved friends, padded paw friends.Come and worship our Creator!When God saw all that God had made...All: God declared the plants and … Continue reading Call to Worship: Blessing of Animals

When God is a doG (Blessing of the Pets)

Genesis 9: 8-17; Matthew 6: 25-34 Photo by Snapwire on Pexels.com Listen or watch this service here and part two Decades ago, I had someone tell me they couldn't believe in God when God spelled backwards is dog. How could you believe in such a concept of a super powerful being that permits itself to … Continue reading When God is a doG (Blessing of the Pets)

Creator of Wonder – Indigenous Peoples’ Day / Solstice / Fathers’ Day

A Sermon by Rev. Whitney Bruno - June 20, 2021 – for LCPC – Job 38: 1 - 11 “Creator of Wonder” Click here to watch this service.https://fb.watch/v/160Nw6wkA/ Our reading of Job today continues. I paraphrase the ancient Hebrew poem: Have you commanded the morning and made dawn to know its place?Do you dye the … Continue reading Creator of Wonder – Indigenous Peoples’ Day / Solstice / Fathers’ Day

A Right Relations Vigil Prayer

Creator God, To each of us you have given us the power to dream. We dream of a present when colonial and racist attitudes are exstinguished. We dream of a present when no one is comfortable and complicit with unjust systems. We dream of a present when every child is given a stable home, with … Continue reading A Right Relations Vigil Prayer

Abiding in Love

Listen to and/or watch this sermon here Abiding Love – Easter 5 – May 2nd, 2021 1 John and the Gospel of John are likely not the same Johns. Sort of like I am not the same Whitney who rocked our radio stations in the 80s. But in the ancient days, a way of honoring … Continue reading Abiding in Love