Tag: colonialism

Service: Orange Shirt Day & Creation

This service is provided in full for those working on their own Orange Shirt Day, Truth and Reconciliation Day services. Please be sure to note I did not write this all. The sources I used are cited below. VU refers to the hymnal Voices United. MV refers to the hymnal More Voices. Listen or watch … Continue reading Service: Orange Shirt Day & Creation

Prayer for King Charles III

King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God our God,we pray today for King Charles III:Let him set the tempo for all the lands he leads.Let that rhythm be one of peace, of mercy, of justice, and of healing.Let him continue the work of his mother to move from colonialism to valuing each peoples as equals,fellow … Continue reading Prayer for King Charles III

Holy Father (Bible) and Great Father (Treaties)

1 Kings 19:1-4 [5-7] 8-15a and Galatians 3:23-29 Father is one of those… rather contentious nouns… to me. Great Father Andrew Jackson (1835) It's hard when I read scripture and Jesus refers to his Father. And we have prayers about our Holy Father. And we pray, every Sunday, Our Father. It reminds me of Mary … Continue reading Holy Father (Bible) and Great Father (Treaties)