Tag: candle

Benediction – Marvelous Story of Easter

You only are here today because someone once told you thismarvelous story. Now you are entrusted to take the story andshare it with others. So take the light - the light of Christ - thelight of hope - the light of God's love - and take it with you tothose who grieve or sit in … Continue reading Benediction – Marvelous Story of Easter

Christ Candle – Trinity Sunday

Some have said the Holy Trinity is like a fire - it is light, heat,and fuel. Without heat, it isn't fire. Without light, it isn't fire.Without heat, it isn't fire. The chemical reaction we call 'fire' itselfis made of three. Light is not fire. Heat is not fire. Fuel is not fire.Combined, they are fire. … Continue reading Christ Candle – Trinity Sunday

Candlelight / Benediction / Holy Week

A candle light flickers, dims, and even can go out. Our faith proclaims that in our ends are our beginnings. That when the flame dies, God rekindles it again. And when we die, we yet live on. So we extinguish this candle today, but it lives on in your hearts. May you feel God's presence … Continue reading Candlelight / Benediction / Holy Week

Calling – Carrying out the Light – Benediction

Commissioning and Carrying Out The Light of ChristYou have a calling - something written deep in your soul. You have a purpose - a reason you are here, in this exact moment of history. You have a mission - something to live into. Go now, carrying the light of Christ as a guide, and bless … Continue reading Calling – Carrying out the Light – Benediction

Candlelighting – Honesty – Gwekwaadziwin

We light this candle remembering the honesty, the gwekwaadziwin of Christ. He lived authentically - accepting himself and others. Seeing the value of himself and others. And being bold enough, brave enough, loving enough to live with honesty, gwekwaadziwin.- Light the candle. Carrying out the Light Christ and BenedictionHonesty is hard work. To be honest, … Continue reading Candlelighting – Honesty – Gwekwaadziwin

Candle Lighting – Bravery – Aakwa’ode’ewin

Today we speak of bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin, like the bravery Moses had speaking with God. Like the courage Jesus has to help the community. We light this candle recalling aakwa'ode'ewin, bravery. light the candle May the grace of God sustain us. May the example of Jesus guide us. May the bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin, of the Holy Spirit … Continue reading Candle Lighting – Bravery – Aakwa’ode’ewin

Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

We light this candle recalling the wisdom, nbwaakaawin, of God. God gives us wisdom in plants and animals; in taught knowledge and experienced knowledge. God invites us to question, to ponder, to learn, to test, to be full of wisdom, nbwaakaawin. Light the candle Call to Worship One: Come all with questions, come all with … Continue reading Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation