Tag: bless

The Way – St. Michael’s United Church of Christ, Baltimore Ohio 2-28-2021

Listen or watch this service by clicking here. Feb 28th 2021ANNOUNCEMENTS- Today is my last sermon for St. Michael’s. For my first, I was nauseous and shaking. My hands always get cold when I preach. I remember Rev. Diane Berger telling me about her first sermon at St. Michael’s. She was the first woman preacher, … Continue reading The Way – St. Michael’s United Church of Christ, Baltimore Ohio 2-28-2021

Rainbows of Hope – Lent 1 – Feb 21st 2021

Feb 21st, 2021 Hear and/or see this service with by clicking here. ANNOUNCEMENTS- Next Sunday is my last Sunday with St. Michaels. I am a basket case of emotions. Happy and sad. Mourning and looking forward. Everything jumbled. And so in love with our community. CENTERING So for our centering today, we’re going to use … Continue reading Rainbows of Hope – Lent 1 – Feb 21st 2021

Blessed Space Among Us – Feb 7th 2021

Listen and watch this service here. Feb 7, 2021 ANNOUNCEMENTS- Please continue to remember the Baltimore Food Pantry either through the Church or individual. St Michael’s gave over $4,000 in 2020!!! We super, super exceeded the challenge Trace gave us. It was so needed – what a trying year we had in 2020. You have … Continue reading Blessed Space Among Us – Feb 7th 2021

Love over liberty – Jan 31st 2021

Listen to this service here. ANNOUCEMENTS It is People in Need Sunday. The PIN Fund helps out when the church has requests for assistance that no one plans for. Who plans to run out of gas, run out of groceries, or an emergency medical bill? This is how we help those in our church and … Continue reading Love over liberty – Jan 31st 2021

Loving God; Vengeful God – St. Michael’s UCC Baltimore Ohio November 15th 2020

Listen to this sermon here Jump to the sermon text November 15th, 2020ANNOUNCEMENTS Fairfield County continues to be red for COVID-19. Therefore, our services will be physically distant as a way to lovingly protect one another’s health.The community thanksgiving service will be online. Please let Rev. Bruno know if you would like a DvD of … Continue reading Loving God; Vengeful God – St. Michael’s UCC Baltimore Ohio November 15th 2020

Ascension – Prayer as Witness

YOUNGER SAINTS See the video here What is prayer like? A bit like… calling God up on the phone. You can talk with God just like you talk with other people! See the sermon below here ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Please do send photos for Pentecost next Sunday! Let’s be red for the Spirit together! 2. Please … Continue reading Ascension – Prayer as Witness