Sermon: Love in the Midst of Apathy

A Reflection by Rev. Whitney Bruno – Dec. 24, Candle Light Service, LCUC – Luke 2: 1 – 20 – Jesus Birth. 

“Love in the Midst of Apathy”

Psychologist Rollo May said: Hate is not the opposite of love, apathy is.” You see, both love and hate are strong emotions. And its possible to love and hate someone at the same time. Both are obsessions. People you cannot stop thinking about.

We can become apathetic about life. It’s a terrible symptom of depression, and PTSD, and over exposure to bad news. Our minds protect us, and close us off from that constant pain. We become numb to survive. We don’t experience as much pain… but we also don’t experience as much joy.

When apathy sets in – love is a choice. Love is a verb. Love is less what we feel and more what we do.

An act of love.

A labour of love.

Choosing love when apathy is easier. Choosing love when it means it may come with pain.

Children are this kind of love. We celebrate this night the birth of Jesus. With that birth comes also sleepless nights, and colic. With that birth also comes being a refugee and fleeing persecution. With that birth comes terrible twos and emotional teens. With that birth comes a ministry where Jesus risks himself, chooses love, and is killed for his rebellion. Mary’s love is sticking by Jesus through it all. Caretakers’ love is a rebellion against apathy.

Love – as an emotion embracing all the pain and all the joy. Or love – as a verb that shows itself steady and faithful in emotional storms.

We might still feel post-partum depression. We might still feel indifferent. We might still be shell shocked and overwhelmed – but in the midst, in the middle, we choose to show love.

Choose to be love.

Choose to welcome love.

May you know God, who is love. May you notice God in loving actions. May you be blessed with the emotion of love as a gift of the Holy Spirit. May Love, Divine, surprise you, delight you, find you wherever you are, and whisper of new life, new awakening, new beginnings beyond apathy. May Love be born anew in you.

God is Love – God is active – God is emotional – God is Emmanual – God is with us.

Merry Christmas! Amen.

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