Prayers of the People – The Marvel of Light

In the beginning, Creator, you spoke and brought forth light. Suns are flung across the universe. Galaxies spiral with millions of stars. We swirl on our own little branch of our galaxy dancing around and around our star, our sun. What a strange marvel is this light you have created.

What a strange marvel are we – we who are made of the same stardust – the same blocks that make up the universe – what a miracle that carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, iron, gold, silver, platinum – the atoms of our bodies began in stars. Began in light.

You call us, collectively, the light of the world. Collectively, like atoms coming together to form a body, we shine your light.

When we forget how marvelous we are – remind us!

When we stop seeing creation with wonder and awe – stop us in our tracks!

When we face situations where it feels there is no hope, no love, no joy, no Christ… place us in each other’s paths so we can be light for one another. Christ to one another. And share our joys and hurts.

We lift these prayers into your love light now that are on our hearts


You know every prayer spoken, thought, whispered or sighed. You know every one of us inside and out. You know and you call us your beloved. As your beloved, we pray the prayer Jesus taught us, saying (the lord’s prayer).

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