When The Wind Blows – Pentecost

We have so many words for and about God. We write and speak so many words to God. And in the end, the Word is beyond words. God is beyond our language. God is larger than our religion; larger than our vocabulary; larger than what we can imagine.
On Pentecost, we pay special attention to this fact. God is our creator – but God is more. God is the Messiah – but God is more. God is a movement, a breath, a substance and sustainer – and more.
Our scripture says in Hebrew – Ruach ha-kodesh
Which lets us translate into English:
The spirit of God.
The wind of God.
The breath of God.
The Holy Spirit.
It calls forth the Spirit that alighted upon Jesus at his baptism like a dove. It calls forth the wind, the breath, of God that swept over the waters at creation. It calls forth Psalm 143:10 – Let your gracious spirit lead me on level ground. It calls forth the prophecies of Isaiah who promised “Behold my servant, I will support him, my chosen one, whom my soul desires, I have placed my spirit upon him…” Isaiah 42:1. It calls forth Joel 2:28 – “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy.”
It calls forth Pentecost – when the spirit came like a strong, hurricane wind. When it came like tongues of fire. When it came and reversed the curse of Babel.
Jesus called the Spirit our Advocate. Someone who stands with us. A Spirit of Truth. Someone who abides with us and within in and among us forever. Someone on our side, giving us truth, giving us insights and intuition.
Who is the Spirit? What is this Spirit? The Spirit is at the edge of our words. We try to sing of her today. Lady Sophia. Wisdom. We try to explain her today – with candles and wind, ribbons and fans. We try – but in the end – this part of God you must experience.
The Spirit of God is beyond words.
When people tell me they are spiritual, but not religious, I think – yes! You have felt and found the Holy Spirit. Religion, written prayers, church services, sermons and words – these help us understand the Word who is God. But there is more to know.
There is God to know who creates – and being in nature is important to know our Creator.
There is God who sustains, fuels creativity, and is as controllable as the breeze. And like fire, like wind, must be felt.
Words aren’t enough.
This week – may you feel God. Feel the Spirit upon you. Feel that moment of insight that is outside of yourself. Feel that certainty that your soul and the soul of the world and all creation comes from the same breath of God. Feel the heat of the sun – the fire – the life. Let the breeze blow you to unplanned, random acts of kindness and love.
The Spirit is upon us! Praise God! Amen.

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