Call to Worship

Call to Worship:       (Based on Matthew 24:6-13)
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars
But do not be alarmed. Such things happen.
Nations will rise against nations. Natural disasters will happen.
But do not be alarmed. Like birth pains, these things happen.
In social conflict and war, you may have your power stripped from you; you may be hated because of your faith; you may be put to death.
And many will turn away from the call to peace, love, and forgiveness. Many will betray one another. And hate each other.
When people are scared they will look for new saviors –

and false prophets rise up to give them easy, simple, violent, answers.
Love grows cold when fear, hate, and anger increase.
So stand firm in our God.
Stand firm. Take heart. As much as it depends on us, we will live in peace with all people. We will forgive. We proclaim the power of love is stronger than the power of hate: For God is love.

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