Sacred in the Daily

A REFLECTION – Rev. Whitney Bruno –  – June 6, 2021 – Pent 2 – Communion – 2 Cor. 4:13 – 5:1, Mark 3: 20-35

“Sacred in the Daily”

When I approach Communion, I see it as a moment we transcend this moment, this place. I see it as when we step back in time to the first communion and join Jesus around the table . I see us sitting with sinners like Judas — who Jesus fed too. I see us sitting with the almost-got it but still struggling like Peter — who Jesus fed too. I see us sitting with the unnamed women who also surrounded Jesus and sat at the table. I see us stepping forward in time — to join our children, grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren in this act. I see us having a foretaste of the far future when Jesus sets this table for us when the whole kindom is wholly arrived on Earth as in Heaven. I see us outside of time — in all time — a moment of mystical union.

I see us transcending this place. We are simultaneously in Hong Kong with rice bread. We are in Ghana with sorghum bread. We are in the Americas with corn bread. We are in our homes with different breads, crackers, bagels, doughnuts, foods. We are where anyone is eating. A moment of mystical union with the common experience of eating, of hunger, of finding nourishment. Jesus says he is the bread of life. He is the daily food we need. He is where we are renewed every day, as Paul says. He says he breaks his body for us. Gives each of us what we need of himself. He asks us, when we eat, to remember him. To remember the miracle of food. The miracle of life. The miracle of life renewing and beginning again when it seems all hope, all life, all love is lost.

I see us transcending relationships here. We are outside of time. We are outside of space. We are outside of ourselves. Each of us has blood coursing through our veins. That blood is made of water, of drinks. It is life. Each of us are united in thirst. Metaphorically thirsting for justice, for mercy, for forgiveness, for atonement and being united with each other. Literally thirsting for good waters, sweet waters, fresh water. Good and wholesome and healthy liquids to drink. Jesus says the drink on our tables is his blood, poured out for us, for the forgiveness of sins. All who drink are forgiven. The only sin that cannot be forgiven is choosing to not accept the forgiveness. This we heard in our scripture today. If you are someone who gets thirsty, you qualify for this forgiveness. No more or no less is required than accepting God loves you. God forgives you. God offers you a new beginning with God, with each other, and with all creation. Begin anew now with this cup you drink. We are outside of relationships in this moment because we stand united with all people and the possibility to begin a new and right relationship with anyone is here.

Jesus calls us family — all who do the Will of God. This is regardless of where we live, what we eat, when we live, or how we live. The Will of God is to do justice, walk humbly, and love God. To love God with all our heart, mind, and strength. And to love one another, and ourselves.

At this table that Jesus presides over as host. At this table spread for all peoples. At this table where time, distance, and sinfulness do not matter… we find welcome, acceptance, new beginnings, and family. At this table, at our own kitchen tables and counters, at restaurant tables and in fast food bags in cars, we find the holy. In our daily food and drink is the holy.

Every time you eat, and as often as you drink, remember me.

So we do. Come because Jesus invites you. Eat your daily food blessed by Jesus. Drink your daily drink offered by Jesus. Commune, be family, be children of God.


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