Every Day is Earth Day

Towne Crier 2015

“In God’s hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being.” Job 12:10 NRSV

 “Every day is Earth Day to a farmer.” I frequently pass this brilliant sign painted on a barn. Among the words a hand holds a scoop of dirt and a little green spout grows out of it. I always smile at the sight. How very true – each and every day farmers are aware of the Earth, aware of our dependence on rain and sun, soil and snow, even lightening, for our existence. A farmer does not need April 22 (Earth Day) to remember we need to celebrate the Earth.

But I do not think only farmers observe Earth Day every day. Job advises to “ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare” that everything is in the hand of God (Job 12:7-10). Like the farmer holding the green sprout, so all of creation is in God’s cultivating hand. The smallest particle to the great cosmos declare a Creator sustains us, holds us up, nurtures us and brings forth life.

Earth Day to me is a reminder that we are only one part of God’s creation, but we have been charge with caring for our plant and animal relatives. Recycling, reusing, using less materials; talking walks in the park and pausing to smell the sweet spring breeze: these are just some of the ways we observe every day is Earth Day to God’s children.

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